
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Storing Water

How much water do I need?
The Basic rule of thumb is 1 gallon per person per day.  But to be comfortable you will want more.  Water is needed for:
*Drinking (64 oz or 1/2 gallon per day)
*Washing dishes
*Personal hygiene

How to store water
It is best to have your water stored in multiple ways such as:
*55-gallon barrels
*15-gallon barrels
*5+ gallon containers
*2 liter bottles and juice bottles
*Milk jugs (Milk jugs are not recommended as they will deteriorate and
        contaminate the water inside; however, it is better to store water in
        milk jugs than to not have any water stored at all.  Store water in milk
        jugs no longer than one year, and plan on boiling before drinking)

*Individual water bottles

You do not need to add bleach to your water for storing if you are filling your containers from city tap water.
Rotate water yearly to keep it fresh
Store in a dark, cool, dry place not directly on concrete (will leak chemicals into your water through the plastic container) or the ground to prevent your container from deteriorating and bacteria from growing.

Other sources of water
Though water from these other sources may not be drinkable, you can use it for flushing/hygiene.  Other sources include: pools, rainwater (do not drink rain water that has touched the ground), water heater, toilet tank, and canned vegetables. 

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